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News in Brief
Voltaire, International Newsletter N°99
The financial lobby pleads for European integration by the bankers
Voltaire, International Newsletter N°98
Keir Starmer, agent of the Trilateral Commission
On September 10, Israeli settlers became illegal migrants
Thierry Meyssan
Paris (France)
We are used to seeing Israel indulge in exactions under the pretext of its security, and the Anglo-Saxons defending it at the Security Council. As a result, we witness crimes without any judicial consequences. This situation is now over. The International Court of Justice has swept aside Tel Aviv’s reasoning, and the State of Palestine has become a full member of the United Nations. It will therefore no longer be possible to turn a blind eye to the situation of the Palestinians, and they will have the capacity to prosecute their tormentors.
State of Palestine
International Law
Opposed to Netanyahu, two-thirds of Israelis want to negotiate with Hamas
Thierry Meyssan
Paris (France)
The recent general strike in Israel is not just a demonstration against the rhetoric that we shouldn’t negotiate with terrorists and that the IDF will release the hostages held in Gaza. It marks the beginning of a realization that Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu is not defending Jews. While Jewish Israelis are not yet aware of the ethnic cleansing in Gaza, they are becoming aware of the anti-Arab pogroms in the West Bank. Gradually, they are beginning to admit that their enemies are not their neighbours, but are among them. These are the revisionist Zionists.
Press lies about the Venezuelan presidential election
Thierry Meyssan
Paris (France)
The presidential election in Venezuela was yet another opportunity for the West to destabilise the country. The international press consciously presented a totally false version of events in order to discredit President Nicolás Maduro and support his main challenger, Edmundo González.
Attacking Lebanon to nuclearize Iran
Will Netanyahu launch tactical nuclear bombs (sic) against Hezbollah, with US support?
by Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
Mexico City (Mexico)
The threat of Israeli aggression against Lebanon grows stronger every day. Yet there is no doubt that Hezbollah has far greater conventional resources than Israel. Hence the hypothesis that Tel Aviv could use tactical atomic bombs, such as those already tested during the Saudi war against Yemen. Numerous Israeli and American personalities have mentioned this possibility. By insisting that Washington would support Israel in the event of an all-out war against Lebanon, US officials made it possible. Westerners present in the country are being asked by their embassies to leave immediately.
Major War Maneuvers in Europe Under US Command
by Manlio Dinucci
Rome (Italy)
Western countries ares turning up the pressure a notch. They have just given Ukraine the green light to use their weapons to attack Russia. In principle, it is the manufacturers who are accountable for the use of their weapons, but they obscure their responsibility by invoking Ukraine’s right to defend itself. In addition, they are thinking of allowing Kyev to use long-range missiles while pretending to ignore that they cannot be deployed without their satellite systems. Finally, they are considering authorizing the use of atomic weapons, in violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Diplomatic Wire
Lecture of Viktor Orbán at the 33rd Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp
Vladimir Putin’s speech to Russian ambassadors
Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights and the Common Future of the Serbian People
Update from China, Russia and Iran on verifications of Iran’s nuclear program
International edition
This week’s headlines
فولتير ، أخبار دولية - رقم 49 - 14 يوليو 2023
رقم 48-7 يوليو 2023
الأجهزة السرية الروسية والغربية في وجه تمرّد يفغيني بريغوجين
بقلم تييري ميسان
تييري ميسان: أهمّ خبير جغرافيا سياسية على الإنترنت عالمياً
البنتاغون يُدبّر انتصار اوكرانيا في مُسابقة الأُغنية الأوروبية لعام ٢٠٢٢
موقع شبكة فولتير الإلكتروني يقاوم!
Titulky týdne
Volby do Evropského parlamentu: nákladná fraška
Thierry Meyssan
Je světová válka reálná možnost?
بقلم سيرج مارشان, تييري ميسان
Útok v Moskvě připomíná vazby mezi islamisty a "integrálními nacionalisty" v Kyjevě
Thierry Meyssan
Chtějí se dobrovolně stát překladatelem / Recherchons traducteur bénévole
Kam se podělo „400.000 umírněných rebelů“ z Ghúty?
Británie chtěla v roce 2012 bombardovat Sýrii
Die wichtigsten Titel der Woche
Am 10. September wurden israelische Siedler zu illegalen Migranten
Thierry Meyssan
Im Gegensatz zu Netanjahu wollen zwei Drittel der Israelis mit der Hamas verhandeln
Thierry Meyssan
10 Wochen vor dem Angriff der Hamas wusste Netanjahu laut Shin Bet davon; nein, ein Jahr zuvor, so die New York Times
von Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
Für die Finanzlobby muss der Aufbau Europas die Verantwortung der Banker sein
Voltaire, internationale Nachrichten, n°98
Keir Starmer, Agent der Trilateralen Kommission
Οι κυριότεροι τίτλοι της εβδομάδας
Στις 10 Σεπτεμβρίου, οι Ισραηλινοί έποικοι έγιναν παράνομοι μετανάστες
του Τιερί Μεϊσάν
Ενάντια στον Νετανιάχου, τα δύο τρίτα των Ισραηλινών θέλουν να διαπραγματευτούν με την Χαμάς
του Τιερί Μεϊσάν
10 εβδομάδες πριν από της επίθεσης της Χαμάς, ο Νετανιάχου ήταν ενήμερος, σύμφωνα με την Σιν Μπετ· όχι, ένα χρόνο νωρίτερα, σύμφωνα με τους New York Times
Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
Το υπόμνημα του ισραηλινού υπουργείου Πληροφοριών που συνιστά την απέλαση των κατοίκων της Γάζας στην Αίγυπτο
Ο Τιερί Μεϊσάν, πρώτος γεωπολιτικός αναλυτής στο παγκόσμιο Διαδίκτυο
Η Ελλάδα εμπλέκεται εναντίον της Ρωσίας
This week’s headlines
On September 10, Israeli settlers became illegal migrants
Thierry Meyssan
Opposed to Netanyahu, two-thirds of Israelis want to negotiate with Hamas
Thierry Meyssan
Press lies about the Venezuelan presidential election
Thierry Meyssan
Voltaire, International Newsletter N°99
The financial lobby pleads for European integration by the bankers
Voltaire, International Newsletter N°98
Principales titulares de prensa de la semana
Los colonos israelíes son ahora migrantes ilegales
Thierry Meyssan
Al contrario de Netanyahu, la gran mayoría de los israelíes sí quieren negociar con el Hamas
Thierry Meyssan
Netanyahu supo 10 semanas antes el ataque de Hamas, según Shin Bet; un año antes, según NYT
por Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
El lobby financiero quiere que la “construcción de Europa” esté en manos de los banqueros
Voltaire, Actualidad Internacional, #99
Voltaire, Actualidad Internacional, #98
This week’s headlines
شورش یووگنی پریگوژین
بوسيلهى تی یری میسان
سازماندهی دوباره ی ارتش روسیه
بوسيلهى تی یری میسان
واشنگتن انتظار دارد قدرت مطلق خود را با جنگ اوکراین تثبیت نماید
بوسيلهى تی یری میسان
افشاگری در ارتباط با قرار دادها میان اسرائیل و سوریه
لهستان دیگر اجازه ی ورود به اورکراینی ها نمی دهد
اسرائیل توان بمباران ایران را دارد
Tämän viikon otsikot
Uusi Yhdysvaltain komento Naton meritaistelulle Euroopassa
Manlio Dinucci
Venäjän jalkaväki Damaskoksessa
Thierry Meyssan
Yhdysvaltain salaisuudet, valheet ja sekavuus Syyrian pohjoisosassa
Thierry Meyssan
Etsi vapaaehtoisia kääntäjiä / Recherchons traducteurs bénévoles
Washington harkitsee Islamilaisen Emiraatin ylläpitoa Iranin sopimuksen allekirjoituksen jälkeen
Valkoinen talo vastustaa Syyrian valtausta Iraqin kurdien toimesta
This week’s headlines
Le 10 septembre, les colons israéliens sont devenus des migrants illégaux
par Thierry Meyssan
Opposés à Netanyahou, deux tiers des Israéliens veulent négocier avec le Hamas
par Thierry Meyssan
10 semaines avant l’attaque du Hamas, Netanyahou était au courant, selon le Shin Bet ; non, un an plus tôt, selon le New York Times
par Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
Voltaire, actualité internationale, n°99
Pour le lobby financier, la construction européenne doit revenir aux banquiers
Podcast 1 : Édouard Husson, Thierry Meyssan & Éric Verhaeghe
I principali titoli della settimana
Il 10 settembre i coloni israeliani sono diventati immigrati illegali
Thierry Meyssan
Due terzi degli israeliani sono contro Netanyahu e chiedono di negoziare con Hamas
Thierry Meyssan
Secondo lo Shin Bet, Netanyahu sapeva dell’attacco dieci settimane prima; no, un anno prima, secondo il New York Times
di Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
Per la lobby finanziaria, l’integrazione europea deve essere lasciata ai banchieri
Keir Starmer, agente della Commissione trilaterale
La nuova politica estera dell’Iran
De belangrijkste titels van de week
Op 10 september zijn Israëlische kolonisten illegale migranten geworden
Thierry Meyssan
In tegenstelling tot Netanyahu wil twee derde van de Israëli’s onderhandelen met Hamas
Thierry Meyssan
10 weken voor de Hamas-aanval wist Netanyahu ervan, volgens de Shin Bet; nee, een jaar eerder, volgens de New York Times
door Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
Voltaire, internationaal nieuws nr. 99
Voor de financiële lobby moet de Europese integratie worden overgelaten aan de bankiers
Voltaire, internationaal nieuws nr. 98
Denne ukas overskrifter
I motsetning til Netanyahu, ønsker to tredjedelar av israelarane forhandlingar med Hamas
Thierry Meyssan
Presseløgner om presidentvalet i Venezuela
Thierry Meyssan
Dukkar Netanyahu snart opp i Kongressen i USA? Det ville vere avgjerande for Israels framtid og invasjonen av Libanon
Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
Vil Israel greie å angripe Libanon og presse USA til å bombe Iran med atomvåpen?
Vestens dominans over resten av verda er no over
Vil medlemsstatane i NATO gå individuelt eller felles til krig mot Russland?
Najważniejsze tytuły w tym tygodniu
Zločin Angely Merkelovej a Francoisa Hollanda proti mieru a bezpečnosti ľudstva
Thierry Meyssan
Czy możliwość wybuchu wojny światowej jest realna?
Serge Marchand
Thierry Meyssan
Atak w Moskwie przypomina o powiązaniach między islamistami a „integralnymi nacjonalistami” w Kijowie
Thierry Meyssan
Wbrew temu co twierdzą, USA masowo importują rosyjską ropę
Lieberman potwierdził prawdziwy powód agresji USA na Irak
Noam Chomski za obowiązkową izolacją niezaszczepionych
Os principais títulos da semana
Opondo-se a Netanyahu, dois terços dos Israelitas querem negociar com o Hamas
Thierry Meyssan
Dez semanas antes do ataque do Hamas, Netanyahou estava ao corrente, segundo o Shin Bet ; não, um ano mais cedo, segundo o New York Times
Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
Revolução colorida no Bangladesh
Thierry Meyssan
Para o lobby financeiro, a construção europeia deve voltar para os banqueiros
Keir Starmer, agente da Comissão Trilateral
A nova política externa iraniana
Titlurile principale ale săptămînii
Ce îi interesează pe ruși în războiul din Nagorno-Karabakh?
Valentin Vasilescu
Operațiuni militare în Nagorno-Karabakh și posibile evoluții viitoare
Valentin Vasilescu
Frica si absurditatea politica în fața pandemiei
Thierry Meyssan
NATO își pregătește instalarea în Orientul Mijlociu extins
Turcia se pregătește pentru un război, împotriva Siriei și a Rusiei
Turcia amenință Siria și indirect Rusia
Основные заголовки неделии
10 сентября израильские поселенцы стали нелегальными мигрантами
Тьерри Мейсан
Вопреки Нетаньяху две трети израильтян выступают за переговоры с ХАМАС
Тьерри Мейсан
Цветная революция в Бангладеш
Тьерри Мейсан
Доклад министерства Разведки Израиля о переселении жителей Газы в Египет
Watergate или Уотергейт был на самом деле заговором против Ричарда Никсона
Джек Дорсей уволен из Твиттер
Haftanın Haber Başlıkları
Washington, RAND’ın planını önce Kazakistan’da, ardından Transdinyester’de sürdürüyor
Thierry Meyssan
Rusya, ABD’yi Birleşmiş Milletler Sözleşmesine uymaya zorlamak istiyor
Thierry Meyssan
Fransızlar: yurttaş mı yoksa sadece seçmen mi?
Thierry Meyssan
Nijerya, 1 milyondan fazla AstraZeneca haberci RNA aşısını imha etti
Kazakistan’da iki kişi vatana ihanetten tutuklandı
Kazakistan’da iki günlük sıkıyönetimin bilançosu
翻译 曼利奥·迪努希
在面临核战争的风险下, 意大利扮演起了三只小猴的角色
翻译 曼利奥·迪努希
翻译 蒂埃里·梅桑
让我们找到志愿翻译 / Recherchons traducteurs bénévoles
40 published articles this week in all languages
On September 10, Israeli settlers became illegal migrants
by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network , 17 September 2024
Voltaire, internationaal nieuws nr. 99
Voltaire Netwerk , 17 september 2024
Voor de financiële lobby moet de Europese integratie worden overgelaten aan de bankiers
Voltaire Netwerk , 17 september 2024
Στις 10 Σεπτεμβρίου, οι Ισραηλινοί έποικοι έγιναν παράνομοι μετανάστες
του Τιερί Μεϊσάν, Δίκτυο Βολταίρος , 17 septembre 2024
Op 10 september zijn Israëlische kolonisten illegale migranten geworden
door Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Netwerk , 17 september 2024
Il 10 settembre i coloni israeliani sono diventati immigrati illegali
di Thierry Meyssan, Rete Voltaire , 17 settembre 2024
Am 10. September wurden israelische Siedler zu illegalen Migranten
von Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Netzwerk , 17. September 2024
10 сентября израильские поселенцы стали нелегальными мигрантами
Тьерри Мейсан, Сеть Вольтер , 17 сентября 2024
Los colonos israelíes son ahora migrantes ilegales
por Thierry Meyssan, Red Voltaire , 17 de septiembre de 2024
Le 10 septembre, les colons israéliens sont devenus des migrants illégaux
par Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire , 17 septembre 2024
El lobby financiero quiere que la “construcción de Europa” esté en manos de los banqueros
Red Voltaire , 14 de septiembre de 2024
I motsetning til Netanyahu, ønsker to tredjedelar av israelarane forhandlingar med Hamas
av Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network , 14 septembre 2024
Para o lobby financeiro, a construção europeia deve voltar para os banqueiros
Rede Voltaire , 14 de Setembro de 2024
Voltaire, International Newsletter N°99
Voltaire Network , 14 September 2024
Voltaire, Actualidad Internacional, #99
Red Voltaire , 14 de septiembre de 2024
Voltaire, actualité internationale, n°99
Réseau Voltaire , 14 septembre 2024
Für die Finanzlobby muss der Aufbau Europas die Verantwortung der Banker sein
Voltaire Netzwerk , 13. September 2024
The financial lobby pleads for European integration by the bankers
Voltaire Network , 13 September 2024
Per la lobby finanziaria, l’integrazione europea deve essere lasciata ai banchieri
Rete Voltaire , 13 settembre 2024
Pour le lobby financier, la construction européenne doit revenir aux banquiers
Réseau Voltaire , 13 septembre 2024
Opposed to Netanyahu, two-thirds of Israelis want to negotiate with Hamas
by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network , 12 September 2024
Podcast 1 : Édouard Husson, Thierry Meyssan & Éric Verhaeghe
Réseau Voltaire , 12 septembre 2024
Entregas de misiles balísticos a Rusia (Declaración E3)
Red Voltaire , 10 de septiembre de 2024
Transferências de misseis balísticos para a Rússia (E3)
Rede Voltaire , 10 de Setembro de 2024
Opondo-se a Netanyahu, dois terços dos Israelitas querem negociar com o Hamas
Thierry Meyssan, Rede Voltaire , 10 de Setembro de 2024
Due terzi degli israeliani sono contro Netanyahu e chiedono di negoziare con Hamas
di Thierry Meyssan, Rete Voltaire , 10 settembre 2024
Вопреки Нетаньяху две трети израильтян выступают за переговоры с ХАМАС
Тьерри Мейсан, Сеть Вольтер , 10 сентября 2024
Im Gegensatz zu Netanjahu wollen zwei Drittel der Israelis mit der Hamas verhandeln
von Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Netzwerk , 10. September 2024
Ενάντια στον Νετανιάχου, τα δύο τρίτα των Ισραηλινών θέλουν να διαπραγματευτούν με την Χαμάς
του Τιερί Μεϊσάν, Δίκτυο Βολταίρος , 10 septembre 2024
In tegenstelling tot Netanyahu wil twee derde van de Israëli’s onderhandelen met Hamas
door Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Netwerk , 10 september 2024
Al contrario de Netanyahu, la gran mayoría de los israelíes sí quieren negociar con el Hamas
por Thierry Meyssan, Red Voltaire , 10 de septiembre de 2024
Opposés à Netanyahou, deux tiers des Israéliens veulent négocier avec le Hamas
par Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire , 10 septembre 2024
Transfer ballistischer Raketen nach Russland (E3)
Voltaire Netzwerk , 10. September 2024
Voltaire, Actualidad Internacional, #98
Red Voltaire , 10 de septiembre de 2024
Voltaire, International Newsletter N°98
Voltaire Network , 10 September 2024
Transferts de missiles balistiques à la Russie (E3)
Réseau Voltaire , 10 septembre 2024
Voltaire, internationaal nieuws nr. 98
Voltaire Netwerk , 10 september 2024
Keir Starmer, agent van de Trilaterale Commissie
Voltaire Netwerk , 10 september 2024
Netanyahu supo 10 semanas antes el ataque de Hamas, según Shin Bet; un año antes, según NYT
por Alfredo Jalife-Rahme , Red Voltaire , 10 de septiembre de 2024
10 weken voor de Hamas-aanval wist Netanyahu ervan, volgens de Shin Bet; nee, een jaar eerder, volgens de New York Times
door Alfredo Jalife-Rahme , Voltaire Netwerk , 10 september 2024
Who are the Ukrainian integral nationalists ?
Thierry Meyssan
Paris (France) | 15 November 2022
Who knows the history of the Ukrainian "integral nationalists", "Nazis" according to the terminology of the Kremlin? It begins during the First World War, continues during the Second, the Cold War and continues today in modern Ukraine. Many documents have been destroyed and modern Ukraine forbids under penalty of imprisonment to mention their crimes. The fact remains that these people massacred at least four million of their compatriots and conceived the architecture of the Final Solution, that is, the murder of millions of people because of their real or supposed membership in the Jewish or Gypsy communities of Europe.
Who is the Enemy?
Thierry Meyssan
Damascus (Syria) | 4 August 2014
Everyone has an opinion to explain the massacres committed by the State of Israel in Gaza. While in the 70s and 80s, it was seen as a demonstration of Anglo-Saxon imperialism, many interpret it today as a conflict between Jews and Arabs. Reviewing the long period of history - four centuries -, Thierry Meyssan, a consultant to several governments, analyzes the origins of Zionism, its true ambitions and determines who the enemy is.
What international order?
Thierry Meyssan
Magdeburg (Germany) | 7 November 2023
We reproduce the text of Thierry Meyssan’s speech in Magdeburg (Germany), at the conference organized by the magazine Compact, "Amitié avec la Russie" , on November 4, 2023. In it, he explains what, in his view, constitutes the fundamental difference between the two conceptions of the world order now clashing from the Donbass to Gaza: that of the Western bloc and that to which the rest of the world refers. The question is not whether this order should be dominated by one power (unipolar) or by a group of powers (multipolar), but whether or not it should respect the sovereignty of each. He draws on the history of international law, as conceived by Tsar Nicholas II and Nobel Peace Prize winner Léon Bourgeois.
Most popular
Press lies about the Venezuelan presidential election
Thierry Meyssan
Opposed to Netanyahu, two-thirds of Israelis want to negotiate with Hamas
Thierry Meyssan
China chooses international law, distances itself from Israel and reunifies the Palestinian Resistance
The New Iranian Foreign Policy
Voltaire, International Newsletter N°96
Keir Starmer, agent of the Trilateral Commission
Voltaire, International Newsletter N°97
The financial lobby pleads for European integration by the bankers
Voltaire, International Newsletter N°98
Voltaire, International Newsletter N°99
Lecture of Viktor Orbán at the 33rd Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp
by Viktor Orbán
On September 10, Israeli settlers became illegal migrants
Thierry Meyssan